Was on my own in the morning - went to go see the TV Tower first. I think it's a bit shorter than the Realto Towers. But it has a rotating restaurant on top, simiar to the Hyatt in Phoenix. It's crazy watching the restaurant turn as the center part of the tower where the cooks are stays still.
I went walking on my own around Berlin, looking at more buildings and taking more pictures until Australia's 1st game vs Japan kicked off. After the game, all the Aussies who were in Berlin and not at Kaiserslautern for the game went nuts (in true Aussie style). Inflatable kangaroos flying through the air, the beating of drums, and amused Germans looking on. I think the celebrations in Melbourne would've been unbelieveable.
Afterwards, met up with the other three amigos, and we hit the town again. On out way to dinner, Phil bought a bratwurst from the 'GrillWalker' Sausage Man - I thought it was pretty cool.

We met some of Richard's friends and hit one of the more popular streets around where we lived full of restaurants and bars. After dinner, we went to this outdoor bar that looked like somebody's backyard, junk lying around, picnic tables, etc. Anyway hit a few more bars, and before you know it, it's 5am, and the sun is coming up.
The boys outside a restaurant having more cocktails

After a very late start, I saw some more of Berlin before going to the Brazil - Croatia match. Great atmosphere, so many passionate fans for both sides. But no hostility, everyone was in a good mood, playfully cheering on their team. I was sitting close to the Croatian fans, and they made a ferocious sound. They even had a call-and-response thing with Croatian fans on the other side of the stadium!
The game wasn't of the highest standard (Brazil won 1-0) but it was just great to be there amongst it all the excitement, an absolutely priceless experience (and it's only the first!)
The game wasn't of the highest standard (Brazil won 1-0) but it was just great to be there amongst it all the excitement, an absolutely priceless experience (and it's only the first!)
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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