Monday, November 07, 2005


Hello everyone. If you're reading this, congrats, you're one of the few who have got to my new blog! Nothing much here at the moment - will get bigger, though.

During Movember (the month formerly known as November) I've decided to grow a Mo for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.

I wasn't sure if I was going to go through with it, but I've finally picked up some support from colleagues at work. Got a few sponsors and some other guys to grow Mo's much bigger than my own. It's been 7 days, and most teenagers could probably grow more facial hair. Hence there is not picture to put up - there really isn't much to see.

If you're in Australia, feel free to go the website ( and click on 'sponsor a mo' and put in my rego number 2922 and donate what you want. If you're not in Australia, feel free, currency rates will probably mean you donation goes even further.


Anonymous said...

Very very proud of you Danny, Nick is too afraid of ridicule to grow his soy sauce mo for the month. One of his cousins has already got a full italian with curled sides and its only the 8th.....

Anonymous said...

Hey Danny boy,
I hadn't even heard of Movember, well done for being such a brave soul! I'll keep a look out for fledgling mo's from now on. You'd better pick up the pace on yours by dinner on sunday or there'll be a few dubious sponsors wondering what they're meant to be sponsoring!
Catch you then, Heather

Anonymous said...

Update!! Nick has taken up the challenge after I told him you would be doing it Danny... be afraid, be very afraid

Danny said...

Wonder what Nick looks like now - I want photos!

Anonymous said...

Yes, well, the challenge lasted approx 2 days, then he ran into his cousin and he gave up. he wasn't man enough for the movember. ;(

Anonymous said...

Awesome site Danny - you are such a gimp!! Can't wait to catch up when you head to London. We can be unemployed together!
xx Sheena